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Download Portal.fx and Cake.pmx for MMD



Portalv2 at…

Kind of a lazy pic.  Just got tired of messing with it.  No, bathroom peeping is not one of my fetishes, it's just what I had open.

This contains my new portal effect for MMD.  For an animated demonstration (of a slightly pre-release version), see… .

The portal includes some procedural effects for the border that may remind you of Portal, I dunno, but you can disable them via morphs if you want.

It also contains two plane-clipping effects that may make it easier for you to have models travel through the portals.  But going through is still going to require some work.

Also: cake.

You probably don't have to read the readme unless you want to.  No rules.

Changelog 2: Some reorganization of structure, just in case that's giving anyone some trouble compiling.

Older version:…
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